1 min lezen
When you migrate to Bookingmood, nothing will happen to your calendars and data of AvailabilityCalendar.com. Your calendars, embed codes and everything of AvailabilityCalendar.com will keep working during and after the migration to Bookingmood. So, AvailabilityCalendar.com will keep working until your subscription period ends. This means a worry-free migration without interruptions, and plenty of time to figure things out.
As a customer of AvailabilityCalendar.com, you can export your calendars and users and import them into Bookingmood.
Now you just have to create the widgets under Channels and use these new embed codes. Just replace the old embed codes from AvailabilityCalendar.com with the new ones of Bookingmood on your website and you're done!