Team members

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Work together with clients, colleagues and staff. Adding team members is free. We don't charge for members. You can add as many members as you like.

Add a member

  • Click on Team.
  • Click on + Member.

Team overview in Bookingmood


EmailThe email address of the new member
RoleThe role of the new member
- UserCan view and manage bookings for assigned rentals
- AdminCan access everyting except the billing settings. Cannot upgrade or downgrade the organization
- SuperuserCan access everything in the organization
PermissionsThe permissions of the new member, per rental (when it's as user)
- No accessUser can't access anything of the unit
- MaintenanceFor cleaners and maintenance staff
- View bookingsUser can only view bookings and the details of a booking
- Manage bookingsUser can view, add, edit and delete bookings
- Full accessUser can manage everything regarding the unit
  • Click on Invite to organization to add the member.

The member will now receive an email. Invited members can create an account on Bookingmood and will automatically be added to the Organization, without having to create one themselves.

Dernière modification 1 mai 2024

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