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After guests submitted a booking or booking request, you can redirect them to a specific URL or to the Booking status page.
Instead of redirecting the user to the page as-is, we append some parameters to the search query of the URL (?param_1=value_1¶m_2=value_2
Parameter | Value |
product | Name of the booked product |
start | Arrival date formatted as YYYY-MM-DD |
end | Departure date formatted as YYYY-MM-DD |
reference | Booking reference |
total | Total price of the booking |
full_name | Hashed full name of the contact that made the booking |
email | Hashed email address of the contact that made the booking |
phone | Hashed phone number of the contact that made the booking |
Name of occupancy group | The occupancy per occupancy group |
Zuletzt geändert 17. Juni 2024
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Redirect settings