Booking management

Stay on top of your bookings

Find availability, track payments, reschedule bookings, from a single dashboard.

Unified dashboard

Manage all your bookings from a single, comprehensive view. Quickly find available periods, track payments, write notes and reschedule bookings.

Adding a booking in Bookingmood

Availability synchronization

Save time and avoid double bookings with our two-way availability synchronization. Using the iCal protocol, you can sync your availability with platforms like Airbnb,, and personal calendar apps.

List of OTA's that Bookingmood integrates with

Blocked periods

Whether for maintenance or an extended closure, easily block your units for any duration. Changes are instantly reflected on your widgets and websites.

Adding a blocked period in Bookingmood

Online bookings

Guests can book your units directly via your widgets or websites. We support both booking requests and instant bookings. With booking requests, you can review bookings manually before confirming or declining. Opt for instant bookings to automate the entire process—guests make the initial payment, and the booking is instantly recorded in your dashboard.

Booking confirmation message in Bookingmood


Get notified of important events like new booking requests or completed payments. Besides email notifications, we also support SMS notifications, ensuring you stay informed, even when offline.

New booking notification for admins


In-app communication, permissions

Booking flows

Configurable rates & restrictions

Guest communication

Personal contact and automations

Embeddable widgets

Bookingmood in your existing website

Website builder

Customizable no-code websites