Booking flows

Custom booking experiences

Configure rates & restrictions, add discounts and schedule payments.

Booking method

Choose between booking requests and instant bookings. Opt for booking requests to manually review and communicate with potential guests before confirming or declining. Alternatively, streamline your booking process with instant bookings, automating the entire transaction—guests make the initial payment and the booking is instantly registered in your dashboard.

Booking form

Craft a custom booking form for each rental unit, collecting essential personal details, ensuring acceptance of terms and conditions, and providing options for add-ons like breakfast or guided tours.

Booking form management in Bookingmood


With Bookingmood's customizable price editor, you can configure your rates however you like. Set rates per week or per guest, adjust prices based on seasons, days booked in advance, and more.

Rate management in Bookingmood


Set booking restrictions to align with your preferences. Define fixed arrival and departure days, limit booking duration, specify the number of days guests can book in advance, and more.

Managing booking restrictions in Bookingmood


Incentivize early or last-minute bookings with discounts, or offer special rates for extended stays. Customize discount conditions and adjust amounts based booking duration, arrival day, season and more.

Adding discounts in Bookingmood


Surprise acquaintances, reward repeat guests with special discounts or launch marketing campaigns using coupons. Create as many coupons as you like and limit their use according to your preferences.

Bookingmood coupon examples

Payment schedule

Flexible payment scheduling allows you to split booking payments into as many parts as needed. Request the initial payment directly after booking and request the remainder two weeks before arrival. You name it.

Bookingmood payment schedule

Stripe integration

Bookingmood integrates with Stripe for automated handling and tracking of booking payments. Guest payments are instantly visible within Bookingmood. Stripe provides a wide variety of payment methods and is available in many countries across the globe.

Booking management

Stay on top of your bookings


In-app communication, permissions

Guest communication

Personal contact and automations

Embeddable widgets

Bookingmood in your existing website

Website builder

Customizable no-code websites