Google Calendar

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You can sync your Google Calendar with Bookingmood. Both ways!

From Google Calendar to Bookingmood

  • Open your Google Calendar.
  • Click on ⚙️ Settings.
  • Under Settings for my calendars, click on the name of the calendar.
  • Scroll down and copy the link in the Secret address in iCal format section.
  • Go to Bookingmood and follow the instructions to import an iCal feed.

Google calendar iCal export URL

From Bookingmood to Google Calendar

  • Go to Bookingmood and follow the instructions to export an ical feed.
  • Open your Google Calendar.
  • Click on the + near Other calendars.
  • Click on From URL.
  • Paste the iCal feed that you copied.

Google Calendar import from URL

Dernière modification 31 janvier 2024

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From Google Calendar to BookingmoodFrom Bookingmood to Google Calendar