Booking calendar for Softr

Do you have a Softr website and do you want to add a booking calendar? We have the booking tool you are looking for.

Within a view steps you can create a booking calendar, add it to your Softr website and receive your first bookings!

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Softr and Bookingmood:

  • Add an availability calendar to your Softr website
  • Enable the option to book directly from your Softr website
  • Easy to manage and customizable
  • Bookingmood is fully compatible with Softr

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Try Bookingmood for free

Add a booking calendar to your Softr website today and get started for free. With our free trial you can enjoy all the features!

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On this page

Do you have a Softr website and do you want to add a booking calendar? We have the booking tool you are looking for.Softr and Bookingmood:Try Bookingmood for free