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You can easily add a Bookingmood widget in your website built with JouwWeb.

Create a Bookingmood widget

  • As a first step, you need to create a widget in Bookingmood. Here you can read how to do that: Creating a widget. You can also watch the video on the bottom of the page.

Insert the widget in JouwWeb

  • Open the page where you want to show the widget.
  • In the editor menu, drag the element Embed Code into your page.

Embed code block selection in JouwWeb

  • Click on Embed aanpassen

Edit embed in JouwWeb

  • Select the tab for custom HTML and paste the embed code for the widget that you created in step 1.

Embed code input in JouwWeb

  • Click save.

🎉 You're done and everything is set! Changes you make to your calendar will automatically reflect on your website.


Zuletzt geändert 31. Januar 2024

Auf dieser Seite

Create a Bookingmood widgetInsert the widget in JouwWebVideo